Video | ‘Texas’ – Yung Sheppard feat Sip Marcel

Dynamic Duo; cliche, two people often paired together whose unique traits, when combined, usually results in success or otherwise positive results.

“No one should speak on Michael Jordan, without mentioning Scottie Pippen”

Michael Jordan via The Last Dance

Hello HLX reader(s), since returning to HLX Ive been introduced to some amazing artists. Sip Marcel is one that’s been covered before, and after doing some homework, for good reason. I would like to preface to my readers that I am from East Atlanta so I know good music when I hear it and with that being said, the guy is a bonafide star! His performances command your attention and he seems very comfortable in the spotlight. With some artists there is a bit of a “win me over” stage. I usually give about 3-5 songs a 1min listen to catch some kind of a vibe but Sip had me with ‘Nourishment’ and the entire Last Call catalogue. I’m always let down when artists don’t put a lot of effort into their intros, I defy you to listen to By Myself by Sip Marcel and not finish the whole album.

Texas’ by Yung Sheppard ft Sip Marcel is smooth enough to ride out to but can still keep the party lit. I love the “Texas” title which I believe is a reference to the sample used for the beat. Yung Sheppard is smooth, conscious and definitely more of a lyricist. I would suggest ‘Try’ by Yung Sheppard to get a feel for his niche. He steers the ship while Sip Marcel provides the energy and really takes the song to the next level with his natural star power. What makes this duo dynamic is their ability to be great on their own merit. Their unique styles together only enhances what the other is best at and really makes for a song that only they could put together. To revisit my ‘Last Dance’ reference, it’s like when the Bulls drafted Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan finally was able to taste the finals.

This Jaint Wavvyyyy

– JayQuan Lee (Youtuber)

Now, it’s up to you, the listener to decide which artist is Michael and Scottie but this dynamic duo is fit to bring home some hardware. Both Yung Sheppard and Sip absolutely own all 3 minutes of this perfectly executed video. Visually both artists’ music videos are excellent. I could go on and on about having to sit through poorly executed music videos by new artists but these two have done such a great job that I can really let the art speak for itself.

In conclusion, 2020 was not only the year of duos for the NBA (Shoutout to my Lakers) but for music as well. Collab album? Who knows, let us know what you think. Check out these artists’ social medias and listen to some great new music today!

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